Request a payment

Metaphysical healing, or Christian Science, is a demand of the times. Every man and every woman would desire and demand it, if he and she knew its infinite value and firm basis. — Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896 — Mary Baker Eddy

This page is for Christian Science care providers: Christian Science nurses, Christian Science practitioners, Christian Science nursing organisations and Visiting Christian Science nursing services.

Providers are required to register to establish an account with IFCSN that is needed for IFCSN to process payments for the services they provide to grantees (recipients of an IFCSN grant). Payments to providers will be made in accordance with the terms of the relevant grant. See the “Overview of how IFCSN grants work” and “IFCSN Policies” pages to see what is covered by an IFCSN grant.

Existing users

If you are a provider who has already registered, you can log in to check the status of your invoices submitted by a grantee or his/her personal representative and to upload documents to share with IFCSN. Uploading rather than emailing documents ensures compliance with data protection legal requirements.

If a grantee is unable to upload invoices payable under the terms of an IFCSN grant, you may log in to submit invoices and payment requests yourself if there is an agreement with IFCSN to do so. This exception will also ask you to verify that the grantee has approved the invoices.

Click HERE to login.


New users

The registration on the IFCSN secure portal enables IFCSN to gather the required information and documentation from Christian Science care providers with the purpose of processing payments in a manner compliant with various countries’ strict data protection laws and US Tax laws.

Most likely, you’re visiting this page, because you received an email advising you that a grant has been awarded to one of the individuals in your care. The unique grant case number found in the email you received will be required to match invoices with the right grant at various stages in the process.

Please note that the IFCSN requires that the grantee receives, approves and submits all invoices for payment. If the grantee is not able to do this, you as a provider will be allowed to submit invoices, but you will be asked to confirm that they have been reviewed and approved by the grantee. Here, as noted, you will need to know to select the case number included in the email.

Banking information and a US tax form need to be submitted as part of the registration process before invoices can be submitted. For more information on the US tax form, check the “US tax forms needed for providers regardless of country” page.

Follow these steps to register:

  1. Register as a Service Provider, by selecting the relevant provider role in the dropdown menu.
  2. Sign the data privacy consent form that pops up as part of the registration process.
  3. Click on “Profile and Banking information” from the main dashboard to complete and submit the banking information form.
  4. Click on “Required US Tax Form for Payment” to provide this required information. Choose from these two options:
    1. Fill out the form via the PDF-Filler online tool. – This is an electronic version of the form on a different website that guides you through completing the form. Make sure to not close the page on the IFCSN Portal you just left to go to PDF-Filler. After completing it, you should download it. Go back to the IFCSN secure portal, open the page you just left, and re-upload it there from your downloads folder or where you saved it.
    2. Download and complete a printed version of the form. – After completing it, scan the printed copy and re-upload it back to the page on the IFCSN secure portal you just left.

The process is marked as complete after you re-upload the form in the indicated drop-file box on the “Required US Tax Form for Payment” page.

After registering and completing the required forms you may log back in at any time to:

  1. Check the status of submitted invoices.
  2. Upload any documents you may need to submit to IFCSN by clicking on “Upload a Document.”
  3. Submit an invoice that has been reviewed and approved by the grantee, if in agreement with IFCSN, because the grantee is not able to upload it to the IFCSN secure portal. Simply click on “Submit an Invoice”. The unique grant case number associated with the grant will also be needed here.