Overview of how IFCSN grants work

Individuals are eligible who are receiving prayerful support from a Christian Science practitioner, need Christian Science nursing care, and need assistance paying for all or part of their Christian Science nursing care expenses. IFCSN is a top up fund, it therefore requires the requester to seek and disclose funding from local/other sources first. IFCSN will accept applications from any individual receiving Christian Science nursing care in Europe whether they do or do not have access to local/other funds.
What is covered
IFCSN offers financial assistance to individuals for:
- Christian Science nursing facility charges
- Christian Science practitioner fees attendant to a Christian Science nursing case
- Care by a private duty/Journal-listed Christian Science nurse
- Care by a Christian Science nurse who is not listed in The Christian Science Journal and is under the supervision of a Journal-listed Christian Science nurse
- Transportation, in some cases, with restrictions, to/from a care location
- Nursing supplies and equipment, and minor home modifications
- Other expenses directly related to an individual’s Christian Science nursing care
Please note: Expenses related to food and lodging are not covered by IFCSN if they are not incurred at Christian Science nursing facilities. If needed, we can work with the organisation to ensure their invoices reflect only the cost of Christian Science nursing care.
How it works
Broadly speaking, this is how the grants work:
- Grants are made to eligible requesters for 60 days. There is always an expectancy of quick, whole, and permanent healing.
- Grants are made on behalf of the grantee (aka requester). Each grantee receives specific “terms of a grant” based on their application to IFCSN and IFCSN’s assessment of the need for assistance.
- Grant costs are generally paid directly to the Christian Science care provider (Christian Science nurse, Christian Science nursing organisation or Christian Science practitioner).
- In some cases the terms of the grant may include reimbursement for costs already incurred by the grantee.
- Grants may be renewed after 60 days and extended after one year by completing an Annual Financial Disclosure.
IFCSN’s grant process is designed to fully comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). At numerous junctures in the process, users are asked to give their consent for IFCSN to gather and to process personal data. For further information on how we process personal data, please visit our Privacy Notice page.